river running over rocks image

Climate and Nature Focused Investment Platform


Bregal Sphere aims to invest in companies and projects that create positive societal and environmental impact while generating attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors.


The acquisition of PUR, a B2B developer of natural climate solutions projects and an impact-focused company.


Founding of the Bregal Sphere platform.


Launch of the Bregal Sphere Nature strategy, focused on nature-based project investments.


Part of Bregal Investments, which has invested more than €19 billion to date. [[1]]

aerial image of a river running through fields
Our Strategy

Bregal Sphere Nature

Bregal Sphere’s first strategy, established to invest in the natural capital sector through long-term partnerships and project finance.

Bregal Sphere Nature

two people working in field
Our Strategic Partner


A leading developer of global nature-based projects.


Image of a river through fields
Our Approach to Impact

Partnership with Conservation International

We have partnered with Conservation International to support Bregal Sphere Nature as an Impact Advisor to the strategy. This new cross-sector partnership will seek to accelerate the achievement of impact and elevate the ambition of our impact strategy.

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Responsible Investing

We believe that a business's approach to sustainability is a solid indicator of its prospects of long-term, value creation.

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